Wrapping up…

Dear Readers,

Tonight was our last night as a group in Turkey. We spent it well: at dinner in the Istanbul Modern, looking out at the Bosphorous and soaking in the city we’ve all fallen in love with. This was my first time traveling with the Globalist, and tonight as both new and old Glo-trippers alike reflected on what the last two weeks have meant, I think we all felt something similar. This is, as Mariana pondered after dinner, a new kind of travel — and even for those of us who think we’re experts at the art of globetrotting, our minds and eyes have been opened. Globalista traveling means coming to a new place and asking questions of it until we began to understand, and, as Raffi so eloquently reflected for us at dinner, it means peeling layer after layer off of a place to slowly get a closer look, and in the process, learning as much about each other and ourselves as we do about this new place.

More posts will be coming in the next few days, as people continue to write up some final reflections, so be on the lookout for those. But for now, we will sleep one more night in beautiful Istanbul, our heads still filled with thoughts on carpets and singers and new and old friends. Thank you for your readership: it means the world to have friends, family, and supporters following our pursuits as we do what we love best.

Many thanks,

Sanjena Sathian
Editor in Chief